Brief Intro About the Authors:
We are former JET (Japan Exchange Teaching) Program Alumni from the United States. For our JET experience, we both resided in Kumamoto Prefecture from 2013 – 2017. Moreover, after finishing our contracts, we continued to reside in Japan as graduate students while attending school at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University.
Why We Started this Guide:
Becoming a JET Program participant is no easy challenge. You might already feel the pressure just by the massive amount of paperwork that is involved, waiting to see if you get an interview, passing or failing the interview, finding alternatives, or just reapplying for the chance to become a JET or second-time participant.
We want this guide to help direct you in the right direction and save you time and anxiety! The biggest hurdle to become a JET is procrastination. This will lead you to stress and your chance of becoming a “short-list” JET.