Congratulations on Submitting Your JET Program Application!
It’s not an easy or short process. You worked hard and struggled day and night.
You sent endless emails till you got two recommendation letters.
You wasted a glorious amount of time on JETProgramGuide.com and other useful sites.
You learned something about yourself that you never knew before.
In a few months, you’ll know whether you got an interview or not!
Pat Yourself on the Back

After submitting your application, you may be wondering what to do?
Honestly, live life as normal and continue other daily routines.
Your fate was already been decided once you hit that Submit Button.

Since your application is submitted, consider other options if you are still eager to teach in Japan.
There are lots of private companies available who offer the same Assistant Language Teacher gig. It’s not only related to the JET Programme.
Research Other Teaching Jobs in Japan

You have a high chance of being let down in a few months. I know many applicants who do not receive an in-person interview. That doesn’t even include those who get an interview and fail.
Prepare yourself for the worse outcome, but also stay ahead of the crowd if working in Japan is your passion!
There are many alternative pathways to teaching abroad: ALTIA CENTRAL, Interac., Borderlinks, Aeon, NPO… just to name a few.
As I mention here in My JET Story, I was put on the alternate list but never upgraded, so I went out of my way to become a private ALT on Interac.
It wasn’t my fancy, but I was able to teach in Japan, level up my skills, and re-apply to JET the following year.
Always check the places you are applying to and know what you are getting into. Some may not have the best reputation.
If Not This Year Then Next

Accept the possibility you might not get that interview, just don’t let it tear you up inside.
The best part about the application is you can retry again and again.
Jet isn’t closing its doors anytime soon.
Just remember to level up your skills in the meantime!